Field Trips

New in 2024-2025, LEAP is now contributing to field trips for TK-8th to ease the burden of frequent field trip donation requests throughout the year. LEAP’s contribution will cover the cost of all day field trips and some overnight field trips depending on the cost for TK-8th 

In order for LEAP to cover the cost of field trips in addition to our enrichment programs, we ask that you Parent Pledge the full amount per student. Please access our Parent Pledge donation page to set up your yearly pledge of $1000 per student or set up a recurring monthly pledge of $85 per student.

Note for field trips: If you are not able to Parent Pledge the full amount, you will be asked to donate to field trips for your child (see our Field Trip Donation page). Your Parent Pledge or field trip donation ensures that our school can continue to offer amazing field trips. All Parent Pledge and field trip donations are now handled through LEAP’s website (vs cash or checks to the District). However, if you are unable to donate at this time, your child will still be able to attend field trips.

*A few overnight trips are too costly/expensive to be included in LEAP’s budget. Therefore, there will be an extra donation requested per student for specific overnight trips, including the 8th grade Civil Rights Trip to Alabama.