Pledge today!
We ask that every family contributes something financially to enrich their child’s education. This type of donation is known as pledge because it is usually given as an automatic recurring monthly donation which is pledged by the family. Of course, pledge can be given annually or on a one time only basis.
Pledge directly supports your child’s education. Every dollar goes into our classrooms, and our parent groups decide how to spend the money. Enrichment activities like Spanish, music, art, garden, field trips and instructional classroom aides are all paid for with pledge
Parent pledge is the single most important part of our annual fundraising. How much should each family pledge? Truth is, any amount helps! This year, we are aiming for a high level of participation to support our shared value of community here at Lagunitas. Even $5 or $10 a month counts! Based on our annual budget, here are suggested pledge levels and what they cover:
Pledge Level A, $100 per month/$1200 per year: Level A covers the cost of art, music, Spanish, field trips, some aide time and other enrichment for one student over the course of one school year, it helps subsidize students whose families cannot afford to pledge and it funds LEAP’s administrative costs and long-term goals.
Pledge Level B, $70 per month/$840 per year: Level B covers the basic cost of art, music, Spanish, field trips, some aide time and other enrichment for one student in one school year, but does not cover organizational costs.
Pledge Level C, $40 per month/$480 per year: Level C covers some of the cost per student to fund art, music, Spanish, field trips, and other enrichment and is subsidized by Pledge Level A, plus donations, sponsorships, and events.
If you wish to make your pledge with a credit or debit card, please push the ‘DONATE’ button above! If you prefer to send a check, please send it to:
P.O. Box 268
San Geronimo CA 94963
LEAP is a 501(c)3 organization, and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax ID is 94-2778798.
We ask that every family contributes something financially to enrich their child’s education. This type of donation is known as pledge because it is usually given as an automatic recurring monthly donation which is pledged by the family. Of course, pledge can be given annually or on a one time only basis.
Pledge directly supports your child’s education. Every dollar goes into our classrooms, and our parent groups decide how to spend the money. Enrichment activities like Spanish, music, art, garden, field trips and instructional classroom aides are all paid for with pledge
Parent pledge is the single most important part of our annual fundraising. How much should each family pledge? Truth is, any amount helps! This year, we are aiming for a high level of participation to support our shared value of community here at Lagunitas. Even $5 or $10 a month counts! Based on our annual budget, here are suggested pledge levels and what they cover:
Pledge Level A, $100 per month/$1200 per year: Level A covers the cost of art, music, Spanish, field trips, some aide time and other enrichment for one student over the course of one school year, it helps subsidize students whose families cannot afford to pledge and it funds LEAP’s administrative costs and long-term goals.
Pledge Level B, $70 per month/$840 per year: Level B covers the basic cost of art, music, Spanish, field trips, some aide time and other enrichment for one student in one school year, but does not cover organizational costs.
Pledge Level C, $40 per month/$480 per year: Level C covers some of the cost per student to fund art, music, Spanish, field trips, and other enrichment and is subsidized by Pledge Level A, plus donations, sponsorships, and events.
Pledge online:
Or pledge by mailing a check:
LEAP, PO Box 268, San Geronimo, CA 94963
It’s helpful if you would include your child (or children’s) name with your donation, but if you prefer to keep that private it is totally fine.